What’s Included



20 of the best personal development books dissected into key takeaways. Extract a book’s wisdom in 1/50th the time.

I read the best books so you don’t have to.


22 podcast recommendations + links to my favourite episodes.


Every newsletter ever sent out by Utopia founder, Jack. These include a few of the best ideas he hears from podcasts each week.



22 people who have won the game of life + links to their best resources.


Life Hacks.

31 ways to be happier, healthier & wealthier.

Investing Tools.

11 tools to make you more passive income.


Instagram Accounts to Follow.

43 accounts to make your screen time useful.

Investors to Follow.

10 uber-successful investors to show you how it’s done.



  • "For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head."

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

    Jim Rohn

  • “In the world of entrepreneurs, you don’t need a college education. You need a proper education.”

    Robert Kiyosaki

  • "My education was interrupted only by my schooling."

    Winston Churchill

How to Help.

This is a labour of love.

Countless hours went into creating Utopia so that we all have an alternative to the mainstream education system.

If you want to support the idea of self education & help out with the costs of running the site, you can donate below.

Any & all support is appreciated more than you know.

Thank you so much xx


What People Are Saying


“Utopia has fully changed my perspective on life. I never realised how unhealthy my lifestyle & habits were before reading through the life hacks. I've got heaps still to work through but wow mate. Thank you for this.”

James L


“If everyone was a Utopia member, the world would be a better place. Enough said.”

Dan R


“In Utopia i’ve found knowledge i didn’t know i needed, its been a shortcut to my self development, Thankyou!”

Jordy M

“Thank you for opening my eyes to the amazing podcasts that are out there. The way you link to/embed your favourite episodes makes it so easy to get into new shows (btw, I have very similar taste to you). Loving it!!”

Alice F


“Utopia is hands down one of the best things anyone could use to help better themselves for the good. Extensive and Useful content highly recommend this to anyone who wants to better their life.”

Ryan B

“There is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself. It is the best investment you can make; you can never go wrong with it. It is the true way to improve yourself to be the best version of you and lets you be able to best serve those around you.”

Roy T. Bennett